~~META: date created = 2023-03-30 &date modified = 2023-03-30 ~~ ====== Old-fashioned Fabricobbling 🇬🇧 ====== \date //2023-03-30// {{ :blog:ig23:230330_1.jpg?400 |}} {{ :blog:ig23:230330_2.jpg?400 |}} {{ :blog:ig23:230330_3.jpg?400 |}} {{ :blog:ig23:230330_4.jpg?400 |}} {{ :blog:ig23:230330_5.jpg?400 |}} Running a 3D printer, there's a certain risk that every new project turns into a printing project. But fabricobbling something the old-fashioned way still has a few upsides ... -- It can be so satisfying to make something with your actual hands instead of adding even more screen time, just clicking the mouse and feeding the robot.\\ \\ -- Filament is expensive! And plastic is wasteful, no matter what.\\ \\ -- Grabbing a few scraps from the bin, sketching out, cutting, glueing and drilling can be so much faster than waiting for the machine to finish the job.\\ \\ -- No bed adhesion issues\_😛\\ \\ -- The organic look just fits my tool wall SO MUCH BETTER\_😁 Sanding wedges by JG 3D creations, sanding sticks by The\_Alchemist -- both, of course, found on [[http://www.printables.com|printables.com]]. Printed in [[http://www.dasfilament.de|DasFilament]]\_PETG, which just works. /* Ende des Eintrags */ [<6>] {{tag>diy 3ddruck en}}