~~META: date created = 2023-12-28 &date modified = 2023-12-28 ~~ ====== Rotating IS Machine 🇬🇧 ====== \date //2023-12-28// {{ youtube>Puk3vjYcHVQ?loop=1 }} I've seen these IS machines with multiple blow moulds mounted on a carousel, which are made by the Chinese company Chuda, now in quite a few videos. And I always asked myself: what's the benefit of such a complicated and unconventional design?! During my recent trip to China, my colleague Tony had the explanation: the multiple-mould arrangement leads to a longer re-heat time, resulting in much higher surface quality\_🤓 This then also explains the take-out and transfer arrangement as well as the deltabot lehr loader: the outside of the bottle is never touched and thus stays pristine. {{ youtube>XHO0sRF476U?loop=1 }} According to Tony, during the last few years these Chuda machines have become quite well-spread among high-quality container manufacturers all across China. We visited three different spirit bottle manufacturers -- all of them had at least one line running. The machine takes up more space and is slower than a standard IS machine -- but the benefits seem to be striking. On the web one can find photos of machines with up to ten stations ... double-gob is also available! And as an interested bystander I now wonder: what do the big players like Emhart, Heye or Bottero and BDF think about all of that? /* Ende des Eintrags */ [<6>] {{tag>glas en}}