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blog:240913_3d_schild_prozess [2024-09-13] volkerblog:240913_3d_schild_prozess [2024-11-21] (aktuell) volker
Zeile 14: Zeile 14:
 ** The full documentation including screenshots and example files can be found at my Printables account: **\\ ** The full documentation including screenshots and example files can be found at my Printables account: **\\
 \_ \_
Zeile 56: Zeile 56:
 {{ :blog:ig24:240913_4.jpg?400 |}} {{ :blog:ig24:240913_4.jpg?400 |}}
 +<WRAP caution>
 +**One word of caution:**
 +G92 messes with the origin of the coordinate system. Since end-stop positions are maintained in modern firmware (at least for Marlin-based including Prusa), you should not be able to crash your nozzle into the bed on subsequent prints. But I've had nozzle jams due to the nozzle remaining at Z=0 for multiple layers after printing a sign with this method. Since the origin is reset during power off, just do a hard reset or power cycle your printer after each sign printing job!
 I really enjoy making signs like that. They also make great gifts -- like the "machine operation only by engineers" sign showcased here. I really enjoy making signs like that. They also make great gifts -- like the "machine operation only by engineers" sign showcased here.
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